

Helping Centerline build a better network through branding and web design

A Refreshed Centerline Logo

Centerline's new logo is a graphic representation of connection, taking inspiration from radio waves and the concept of continuity while ultimately depicting the iconic Centerline "C." We were so excited to refresh their old logo while keeping it rooted in the "C" to preserve some of the original brand. In animating the logo, we sought to represent momentum and forward-motion, and mimic the three-line element that is a staple of their new brand.
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Innovative Brand Identity

Centerline's brand voice is rooted in professionalism, stewardship, innovation, and relentless ambition. They are true professionals, from their crews scaling telephone towers to their infrastructure planners in the boardroom. Their messaging and their visual branding needed to encapsulate that professionalism while remaining fresh and dynamic, showing that as the world evolves, so does Centerline and the way we all approach global communication. We chose a timeless color palette, clean lines, and subtle, impactful animations to carry the brand, and are so excited to shepherd it as it expands and evolves.
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Versatile Presentation Design

Centerline needed a set of presentations to communicate its mission, vision, values, company structure, tactical goals, and more. We developed a highly animated, sleek presentation that is aligned with their brand and website to round out a consistent suite of collateral. After creating their primary company deck, we developed a robust presentation template to allow them to manage their presentations internally without running the risk of straying from the brand. We're always seeking ways to streamline work for our clients and ultimately give them the tools to confidently use their brand.
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Bringing a Digital Brand into the Real World

While Centerline deals with digital communications, their presence in the world is tactile at its core, as they are responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of cell towers, phone lines, and more. Their tangible nature carries into our print designs, where we brought their brand to life through a collection of clean, communicative print collateral.
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Robust Website Reconstruction

Centerline's major brand revamp required a full website overhaul. While we've already designed and launched a small holding site, we are currently in development of what will ultimately be their new website, and are so excited to share what we've come up with. Complete with animated isometric illustrations, ample micro-animations, custom photographs and a slew of exciting representations of their refreshed brand, the new Centerline site showcases the company's broad range of talents and capabilities and highlights its innovative spirit. The site is slated to launch in 2024.
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Celebrating connection through dynamic design

After going through a major year of acquisitions, Centerline came to us knowing that they needed to level up their brand to match the new scale of the business. We started by creating their brand voice and brand board to ultimately develop a set of standards, guidelines, and usable assets that shape the messaging and design surrounding every aspect of the Centerline brand.

From there, we dove into website design. We first created a small site to serve as the introductory point for the refreshed brand, and are currently in development of their new full site in Webflow. Beyond website design and development, we've developed a suite of print and digital collateral as well as presentations to capture and elevate the Centerline brand with utmost consistency and impact.

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After going through a major year of acquisitions, Centerline came to us knowing that they needed to level up their brand to match the new scale of the business. We started by creating their brand voice and brand board to ultimately develop a set of standards, guidelines, and usable assets that shape the messaging and design surrounding every aspect of the Centerline brand.

From there, we dove into website design. We first created a small site to serve as the introductory point for the refreshed brand, and are currently in development of their new full site in Webflow. Beyond website design and development, we've developed a suite of print and digital collateral as well as presentations to capture and elevate the Centerline brand with utmost consistency and impact.

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